Table of content:
Step 1: Creating a Bever account
Step 2: Installing & login in the Bever App
Step 3: Authorizing & adding a device to a network
Step 4: Adding devices to a group and sensor sharing
Step 5: Device settings

Bever App - Assigning a smart license
Bever App - Creating a site and assigning a map
Bever App - Video Guide sensor sharing
Bever App - Service Partner 

The Bever App  is freely available for Android and iOS based devices through the Google Play Store and App Store. Updates of the app can also be obtained via this store. Search for Bever App or use the following links:



Note that two permissions are requested when installing. First, the device location is required. This is needed for communication and optimizing the apps functionality based on the user’s geographic location. Second, access to storage is requested. This is needed to store and access manuals, maps and other Bever App files. Notification permission is also requested to keep you up to date if any status changes happen with your devices. All permissions should be granted to be able to use the app to its full potential.

Login Bever App

After activating your account, insert your user credentials in the Bever App login screen on your device.

You can also login with several login providers like Google, Apple or Microsoft if the mail adres that you used is part of one of these providers. For example:

  • Google: Your email adres ends with
  • Microsoft: Your email adres ends with,, or your company email is registered with microsoft services.
  • Apple: Your email adres is registered as an apple account.