
Welcome to the getting started manual of the IC Smart. In today's interconnected world, businesses and enthusiasts alike are harnessing the power of connectivity to bring intelligence and automation to their projects and operations. The IC Smart is your gateway to seamlessly connect and manage your devices and sensors.

This manual is designed to guide you through the process of setting up and utilizing the IC Smart effectively. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the full potential of your IC Smart.

The primary purpose of this manual is to provide you with comprehensive instructions, best practices, and troubleshooting tips for working with the IC Smart. It covers the essential aspects of IC Smart setup, configuration, and management to help you leverage the power of technology in various applications.



Before you embark on your IC Smart journey, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • IC Smart: Acquire the IC Smart hardware or software components according to your project's requirements.
  • Internet Connectivity: A stable internet connection is essential for facilitating communication between your IC Smart and connected devices or cloud services.
  • Basic Technical Knowledge: While this manual caters to both beginners and advanced users, having a basic understanding of networking concepts and protocols can be beneficial.

Now that you're well-prepared, let's dive into the world of IC Smart and unlock its potential for your projects and endeavors.

Overview of IC Smart

IC Smart is a versatile and advanced connectivity solution designed to empower businesses with the ability to seamlessly link and manage various devices and sensors. This technology opens up new possibilities for enhancing operational efficiency, automation, and data-driven decision-making.

Key Features of IC Smart

IC Smart offers a range of features that make it a valuable asset in the world of connectivity and device management:

  • Device Integration: IC Smart provides a unified platform for integrating diverse devices and sensors, allowing them to communicate and share data efficiently.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: With IC Smart, users can monitor connected devices and receive real-time updates and insights, enabling proactive decision-making.
  • Customization: IC Smart is highly customizable, enabling users to tailor it to their specific needs, whether in a business or personal context.
  • Data Management: The platform facilitates the collection, storage, and analysis of data generated by connected devices, offering valuable insights for optimization.
  • Security: IC Smart prioritizes the security of data and device communications, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected.
  • Scalability: Whether you have a small-scale project or a large-scale deployment, IC Smart scales to meet your needs.

1. Prior to Installation

For optimal stability and to ensure proper functionality, we highly recommend using a wired connection. This is particularly important when the system is intended for features that rely on a stable API connection to work seamlessly.

Wired Connection

If you plan to utilize wired Ethernet port for connecting to the internet, please take the following into consideration. To ensure correct functionality, your device should at least have the capability to connect to the following domains:

*.eosconnected.comFor connecting to the cloud service and

Primary and alternative DNS servers*

Please ensure that these addresses are accessible from your network and are not blocked by any firewall settings.

Network configuration can be configured manually using the Bever App, or you can opt for automatic configuration through DHCP (default setting).

Note: If necessary, you can modify the DNS server settings using the BeverApp to meet specific requirements.

Cellular Connection

This option will become available in the near future.

2. Placement Guidelines for your IC Smart

To ensure optimal performance and connectivity for your Smart Network, careful consideration should be given to the placement of your bridge. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Proximity to Smart Devices: The bridge must always be within range of your Smart Network, ensuring a strong RF (radio frequency) connection with at least one Smart device in your network. The quality of this RF connection depends on two primary factors:
    • Distance: The distance between the bridge and the nearest Smart device should be minimized. Ideally, this distance should be less than 30 meters when there is a direct line-of-sight between them.
    • Obstacles: Ensure that there are no obstacles obstructing the direct line-of-sight between the bridge and Smart devices. Obstacles such as metal enclosures can negatively impact RF performance compared to locations with plastic housing.
  • Optimal Network Position: Analyze the Smart Network to find the best position for the bridge. The optimal location should allow for easy installation, maintain a distance of less than 30 meters to the nearest Smart device (with line-of-sight), and minimize obstructions. Additionally, it's preferable to position the bridge within range of multiple Smart devices to ensure communication redundancy.
  • Cellular Reception (may require additional hardware): If your bridge requires a cellular connection, ensure that it is placed in a location with sufficient cellular reception. Be aware that metal enclosures or structures can significantly reduce or even completely block cellular signals. You can use a mobile phone to check the reception quality at a specific location before installing the bridge.
  • Network Verification: After placing the bridge, use the Bever App to verify its integration into the network. Make sure you are within range of the opposite end of the network while performing this check.
  • Accessories: If necessary, you can use optional accessories for your bridge:
  • Stand-Alone Housing: An accessory is available for surface mounting the bridge outside your main switchboard. This allows for greater flexibility in placement.
  • External Antenna: An external antenna can be used to overcome interference caused by metal encasing around the bridge. Please note that attaching an external antenna requires reconfiguration using the Bever App to instruct the bridge to use the external antenna.

By following these placement guidelines, you can ensure the optimal performance and reliability of your Smart Network bridge with the Bever App.

3. Connections and Interfaces

In this chapter, we'll explore the connectors and interfaces of the IC Smart, also known as the IC Smart when used with the Bever App. Familiarizing yourself with these connections is essential for successful installation and integration into your Smart Network. After connecting the IC Smart, you can proceed with configuration using the configuration manual provided.

Let's take a closer look at the connectors and interfaces of the IC Smart:

24V DC Power Connector

The Bridge is equipped with two-pin screw terminals for DC power input.

Connect a suitable 24VDC power supply that can deliver a minimum of 500 mA.

Pay close attention to the polarity of the pins when connecting the power supply.

If you are using the boxed version a compatible power supply is pre-installed and wired to the IC Smart.

USB port

The IC Smart is equipped with a USB-C host connector, allowing you to connect USB devices like memory sticks to expand its functionality or do firmware upgrades for the device.

Ethernet port

The LAN port serve as the IC Smart connection to the internet. 


The PROTOCOL IN port is a versatile 7-pin header on the IC Smart. It offers the flexibility to support various communication protocols, including RS232, RS485, RS422, and Currentloop RX. For detailed instructions on how to connect and configure this interface to interface with different Point of Sale (POS) systems, please refer to this special article on making a POS connection.

Click here to access the POS Connection Article

This article will contain comprehensive information, wiring diagrams, and step-by-step guidance to ensure the seamless integration of your IC Smart with specific POS systems or other external devices. By following the instructions in the manual, you can establish reliable communication between the Bridge and your POS systems, enabling efficient data exchange and functionality within your Smart Network.


The PROTOCOL OUT port, which is isolated for added safety and reliability, is a crucial component on the IC Smart designed for connecting to Price Signs via data cable or RF03 technology. This isolated port allows for seamless communication and control over Price Signs while ensuring electrical isolation for enhanced safety. For detailed instructions on how to set up and configure the PROTOCOL OUT port for connecting to Price Signs, please refer to this special article on Price Sign integration.

Click here to access the Price Sign Integration Article

In this article, you will find comprehensive information, wiring diagrams, and step-by-step guidance to ensure the successful integration of your IC Smart with Price Signs through the PROTOCOL OUT port. Following these instructions will enable you to effectively manage and control Price Signs, enhancing the functionality and efficiency of your Smart Network while benefiting from the added safety of isolation.

4. Connecting the Device to the internet

In this chapter, we'll guide you through the essential steps to connect your device effectively. 

Let's get started with the device connection process:

Step 1: Power Supply (24V)

Ensure you have a stable 24V power source ready to power up the device. Connect the provided power adapter to the device's power input port and then plug it into your power source or for a boxed version connect the mains to the DIN rail power supply. Confirm that the device is receiving power by checking its LED status.

Step 2: Ethernet Connection

Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to the device's Ethernet port and the other end to a suitable Ethernet jack or router connected to the internet. This wired connection provides a reliable and stable network connection, which is particularly important for the proper functioning of features that rely on API connections.

Step 3: IP Address Configuration (Optional)

By default, the device is configured to use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) to automatically obtain its IP address from your network. If you need to set a static IP address for the device, you can do so using the Bever App. Refer to Changing the IC Smart's IP Address with the Bever App for more information.

Step 4: LED Status

As you power up the device and establish the Ethernet connection, monitor the LED indicator on the device. Initially, the LED may display a red status, indicating the initialization phase. However, once the device successfully connects to the internet and completes the startup process, the LED will change to a steady green, signifying a successful connection.

Steady red

Ethernet cable disconnected.

Blue / Red (slow)

Cable connected but no IP lease obtained. Maybe a static network configuration required or DHCP problems.

Green / Red (slow)

Connected to network, dashboard unreachable. Possible DNS or Firewall problems.

Blinking green (medium)

Able to connect to the Bever Innovations Dashboard, but not configured/licensed yet


Steady green

Fully connected to the Bever Innovations dashboard.


Blinking red (Fast)

Internal error

Once the LED indicator turns green, congratulations! Your device is now successfully connected and ready to operate within your Smart Network. In the next chapters, we will explore further configurations and functionalities to maximize your device's capabilities.

5. Exploring Specialized Applications

In addition to the broader functionalities of the IC Smart, it also caters to specialized applications such as fuel station, EV stations and horticulture. You can explore the general functionalities of the IC Smart outlined in this manual and decide later which specialized protocol suits your needs best. The IC Smart offers the flexibility to adapt to your changing requirements. 

Getting Started with Specialized Protocols

Upon unboxing and installation, you can access the device's status page by entering its IP address into your web browser. On this page, you will find more dedicated info on your device.

For more in-depth information about configuring Bacnet or HLP for horticultural applications, refer to the dedicated articles and guides provided by IC Smart. These resources will help you make the most of your device in your chosen field.

FuelMany different POS protocols

IC Smart - Fuel

EVEV specific standards

IC Smart - Horti

Example use cases