There are a few simple steps you need to do when you create an account for the Bever Dashboard.
This article describes these steps.

1. Visit

2. On the login page select the option to signup for an account

3. Give in your email address and choose a password.

    Alternatively you can use your Apple, Google or Microsoft credentials to login

4. Once you have created your account, you will receive a confirmation email from Bever Innovations. 

    Confirm your account by clicking the confirmation button in the email. 

If you have not received the email, please check your spam folder.

Go back to the login page and login to your freshly created Bever Dashboard account. 

5. When your company is new to the Dashboard you have to create your company in the Dashboard. Give in the                 

    company details and select 'Create company'

If your company is already known in the system and you just wat to get access to the dashboard, use the 'Send request' option. You company admin will receive a notification and can grand you access to the Dashboard.

6. Fill out the company deails. Name, address, zip code and city.

    Create the compay.

    Your company details will appear. Now you will be able to access the dashboard

7. Click on "Go to dashboard" to access your dashboard on the Bever 

8. The Bever Dashboard appears

When the 'Go to dahsboard' button does not work, please logout (top right corner of the screen) and login again. This will solve the problem.